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Below are the rules for members and officers:

1. All members please register to the forums and try to be active,this includes TeamSpeak. We are really trying to push people to use TS and squad up and play together,after all TS IS a requirement...We don't expect you to be on it ALL the time but never on won't work either.


2. Members who don't register to the forums and/or don't use TS will eventually be removed.


3. If you don't currently have a mic then we will give you a little time to get one but be sure to let someone know...


4. We want members who want to fly and enjoy this game together. Don't be afraid to ask someone to squad up with you, take some initiative.


5. Please report unwanted behavior of squadron members to other officers. If you would like to speak to an officer on Teamspeak, message one and they can talk to you in the Officers HQ.


Lets start seeing more grouping up and dominate some shit!




1.You are expected to get on Teamspeak...We don't expect you to be on it ALL the time but never on won't work either.

2. Be respectful and courteous to other members of Lucky 13. ( Being an officer does not mean you can disrespect or put down other members for lack of skill and/or tactics. ) Refrain from profane, obscene, derogatory comments and/or behavior. You must represent yourself as a mature individual among other squadron members and of the War Thunder community at large.

3. On recruiting new players for the squadron, the officer must follow the requirements for Lucky 13. (minimum requirement of a tier 3 plane, must be 18 and must have Teamspeak) If you are unsure of a recruit, please refer to another officer or commander. If a recruit does not meet the minimum requirements, try to be courteous because they are interested in joining our unit. Please show that you are thankful of them trying to join and always advise them they're welcome to reapply once they meet the requirement.

4. If you are the only officer on Teamspeak, it is your duty to conduct yourself as an officer of Lucky 13. If you are reported to have displayed unwanted behaviors/actions, then you will be stripped of the officer title and/or removed from the unit.

5. If you are inactive officer, you will be removed from an officer position.


Lucky 13 Members

Lucky 13 Officers

Rules and Regulations

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